Established in August 1974, Metro Maryland Ostomy Association Inc. (MMOA) is a non-profit support organization based in Rockville, Maryland.
Our primary purpose is to provide practical non-medical support services to Ostomy patients (caregivers and family) who may require or have undergone Ostomy surgery (Colostomy, Ileostomy, Urostomy, and alternate diversionary procedures) through advocacy, assistance, education, outreach, and community awareness.
Some of our other work includes:
Increasing public awareness through participation in local health fairs
Encouraging early testing for some of the diseases that give rise to ostomy surgery so that if necessary, prevention steps can be established by a physician.
Assisting patients not adequately covered by insurance (private or government) by making donated ostomy supplies and equipment available to them at no cost as availability permits.
Providing trained visitors or “buddies” who can dialogue with patients in each of the ostomy protocols. We do our best to match “buddies” by age, gender, diagnosis, and surgery protocol.
For four decades Metro Maryland Ostomy Association, Inc. has worked to improve the quality of life of ostomates and their families. We are a community of volunteers who respond to the needs of ostomates throughout Maryland and the greater Washington Metropolitan area.
MMOA Provides
A Bimonthly Newsletter with articles from local and national ostomates, physicians, surgeons, and WOC Nurses.
Monthly Meetings that provide guest speakers with beneficial information and the latest in stoma care equipment; and group discussions with WOC Nurses.
Trained Visitors to assist patients with, or preparing for, ostomy surgery. Patients and visitors are matched by type of surgery, sex and age.